Possible State Park Expansion
At our September 2022 Town Hall meeting at the SCA we took a handful of questions about the 24-acre Holland Board of Public Works (BPW) property immediately north of Saugatuck Dunes State Park. Audience members asked what we knew about the property being for sale and what the Coastal Alliance was doing to add it to the Park. Thank you all for bringing this to our attention!
We are very pleased to let everyone know that YES, the Holland BPW sees the land as surplus, and the BPW customer/voters approved the concept of a sale last November. The next steps, as we understand it, are for the BPW to begin the bidding process in late March or April.
The Land Conservancy of West Michigan and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Parks Division have been in conversation with Holland BPW officials and are exploring the potential of adding the 24 acres to the State Park.
As a campaign for an acquisition takes shape, we will alert people via our e-newsletter, as well as social media. We foresee a letter writing campaign showing support for the land being added to Saugatuck Dunes State Park, as well as a fund-raising campaign.
Significance of this parcel to the state park
Expansion of Saugatuck Dunes State Park to include the Holland BPW parcel has been part of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources long range planning since 1982 when Patty Birkholz chaired Michigan’s first-ever Citizen’s Advisory Committee, the committee tasked with drafting the original master plan for the park.
The 2018 Phase Two General Management Plan of Saugatuck Dunes State Park and Patty Birkholz Natural Area continues to detail the importance of protecting the area surrounding the park:
The General Management Plan (GMP) guides the future long-term management of Saugatuck Dunes State Park and is based on the mission of the Parks & Recreation Division (PRD): “to acquire, protect and preserve the natural and cultural features of Michigan’s unique resources, and to provide access to land and water public recreation and education opportunities.”
Several attempts have been made since 2010 to acquire property located south and north of the park without success. However, the property south of the channel was protected by the Land Conservancy of West Michigan for coastal dune preservation purposes.
This map shows the proposed new boundary map of the State Park that was included in the Saugatuck Dunes State Park Master Plan. It includes the Holland BPW’s 24 acres parcel.
In 2018 the Outdoor Discovery Center Network working with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality released the Lower Kalamazoo River Greenway Master Plan. The Master Plan was explicit in addressing the ecological significance of Saugatuck Dunes State Park and the Patty Birkholz Natural Area:
Some of the highest quality habitat and rarest species can be found within a couple mile stretch of the mouth of the Kalamazoo River. There are several parks and preserves, including Saugatuck State Park, Tallmadge Woods, Patricia Birkholz Natural Area, and Saugatuck Harbor Natural Area, where visitors can experience these areas. Protecting and preserving these areas around Saugatuck should be one of the highest conservation priorities along the greenway. However, efforts to make sure that these areas are not overused or abused, should strike a balance between visitation and preservation. Future development on private property should be done in an environmentally friendly manner that is consistent with local zoning and the Tri-Community Master Plan.
Most recently, in 2020 the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places determined that the Kalamazoo River Mouth Area meets the criteria as a Traditional Cultural Property of the Potawatomi. The Kalamazoo River Mouth Area—of which the BPW parcel is considered to be part—is of cultural and ecological significance to the three regional tribal nations of the Potawatomi: Pokagon Band, Match E Be Nash She Wish Band of Pottawatomi, and Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi. These tribal nations remain active in this specific area working to restore wild rice and lake sturgeon. Individuals continue to use this area, specifically Saugatuck Dunes State Park and the Patty Birkholz Natural Area, for harvesting and ceremonies.
As you can see on the map, the 23.4 acres includes 1200 feet immediately adjacent to Saugatuck Dunes State Park with 300 feet of frontage on Lake Michigan. This parcel includes a significant forested back dune that acquisition would protect.
Acquisition would not only protect this significant dune structure, it would help buffer the State Park from encroaching development and over-use.
The Holland Board of Public Works
We believe the Mission and Vision of the Holland Board of Public Works supports the concept of working with the State to place the 24 acres into the Public Trust as part of Saugatuck Dunes State Park and Patty Birkholz Natural Area.
HBPW Mission
Holland Board of Public Works provides competitive, reliable, and innovative public utility solutions to the greater Holland area in a socially, environmentally, and financially responsible manner.
HBPW Vision
Holland Board of Public Works will anticipate and respond to customer and community utility needs with exceptional solutions that strengthen businesses and enhance the quality of life of residents in the greater Holland area.
HBPW Vision for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
HBPW will be an employer of choice, valuing and seeking diverse perspectives and experiences, leading to employees who thrive, and create innovative utility solutions that meet the needs of our customers and help our community flourish.
The sale of this land for the purpose of expanding Saugatuck Dunes State Park is the most socially, environmentally, and financially responsible option that will enhance the quality of life of residents in the greater Holland area.
We recognize that the Holland BPW “strives to be exemplary stewards of the resources entrusted to them.”