We work to protect and preserve for future generations.
We are a coalition of individuals and organizations working to protect the ecological, historical, and cultural resources of the Saugatuck Dunes and Kalamazoo River mouth. Below you can find information on our current initiatives to hold private developers accountable to local and state regulations.
The proposed NorthShore of Saugatuck marina would destroy 6.5 acres of critical dunes, lower the groundwater beneath the globally imperiled interdunal wetlands, and damage or destroy the ecological, historical, and cultural values — all to dock mega-yachts in a gated community. The Coastal Alliance is doing everything we can to stop it.
Lacking required state permits, the developers of the Van Horn ski lake clear-cut a forest and excavated half a million tons of sand, altering the groundwater in a nearby protected wetland. The Alliance is working to overturn the permits and require the developer to restore the land.